
Oberlin Hörpunkt as employer

Oberlin Hörpunkt is a modern, future-oriented company with 4 branches in Potsdam, Wolfsburg and the Berlin districts of Mitte and Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Our highly competent and experienced hearing acousticians here provide hearing aids to around 400 customers and implants to around 300 patients every year. We are constantly on the lookout for new committed colleagues.

Starting from Brandenburgs capital city, we have grown in recent years and opened new branches. Our specialist shops have very modern technical equipment and our approximately 10 employees are professionally up to date. We are well staffed to be able to guarantee intensive advice and care for our customers and patients.

Aktuelle Stellenangebote

Hörgeräteakustikermeister (m/w/d)

Leiten Sie mit viel Gestaltungsspielraum und einem kompetenten Team unser modern ausgestattetes Akustikfachgeschäft mit umfangreichem Hörgeräte-Portfolio in Wolfsburg. 

Sie profitieren von:

  • einer Vergütung bis zu 4.350 € brutto - je nach Erfahrung 
  • einer jährliche Sonderzahlungen
  • der Bereitstellung eines Dienstwagens
  • regelmäßige Fort- und Weiterbildungsangeboten

Zum Stellenangebot

Logopäde / Sprachtherapeut (m/w/d)

Verstärken Sie unser erfahrenes und zukunftsorientiertes Team in Wolfsburg bei der Cochlea Implantat Rehabilitation.

Sie profitieren von:

  • Vergütung nach Haustarifvertrag - Festgehalt ohne Honorarbasis
  • regelmäßige Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote

Zum Stellenangebot

Networked in the Oberlinhaus

Employees of the Oberlin Hörpunkt are part of a large health network: As a company of the Oberlinhaus, we are very closely networked with the Hearing Therapy Centre (HTZ) in the Oberlinhaus, a certified Cochlea Implant Centre (CIC).In addition, the medical care centre Oberlin MVZ Luisenplatz offers specialist medical care for ear, nose and throat medicine, and is part of our network.

Our employees maintain an intensive professional exchange. Especially because we work in smaller teams in the individual branches, we attach great importance to open communication and regular meetings of the entire staff - from team meetings to the annual Christmas party and joint activities.

It is only with the daily commitment of our employees that we can offer our customers and patients the high quality and intensive care that our specialist shop has stood for since it opened in 2011.

Benefits for employees

  • Automatic time recording

    There is no such thing as unpaid overtime: our employees' working hours are recorded digitally and automatically. We make sure that the contractually agreed working hours are not exceeded. However, if this should happen, we make every effort to compensate for overtime with days off in a very timely manner.

  • Family & career

    To ensure that family and career can be balanced in all phases of life, we maintain an open exchange within the team and respond to the individual wishes of our employees with flexible working time models. Switching from full-time to part-time and vice versa is just as possible as reducing and increasing individual working hours.

  • Further education & training

    In our industry, technical development is rapid: every year new innovative products come to the market and research in medical implants is constantly progressing. The professional development of our employees is important to us. We support this, for example, by offering regular cochlear implant training. We also support additional training, for example to become a paediatric acoustician - for providing hearing aids to children from the first month of life.

  • Conditions & contracts

    We have our own collective agreements and offer our employees 28 days of holiday per year.

  • Beverages - Catering

    Water and coffee are available to our staff free of charge.

Are you looking for a new challenge?

In our branches, hearing aid specialists and CI specialists provide every year about 400 children, adolescents and adults with hearing aids and about 300 people with speech processors including individual product components of hearing implants. We offer a wide range of professional development opportunities and welcome speculative applications from potential new colleagues. Here you can find out about current vacancies throughout the Oberlinhaus' network of companies.

To the job offers