Certified partner of market leading companies
We are a certified partner of Advanced Bionics, Cochlear, MED-EL and Oticon Medical. These medical technology companies develop and produce implantable hearing systems. They are all global market leaders and have decades of experience. Their products stand for quality. We work in close cooperation with these medical technology companies. For example, you will find our branch in Berlin Mitte at the MED-EL Care Center.
Professional Training
The staff you will encounter at Oberlin Hörpunkt are highly skilled hearing care professionals, having completed several years of specialised training.
Many of them have acquired additional qualifications:
- CI specialists are trained to care for people with speech processors including individual product components of cochlear implants.
- Lyric specialists are trained to insert this special hearing aid deep into the ear canaly.
- Pediatric acousticians take care of hearing aid fitting for childrem from the first month of life.You will find that our branches are well staffed in order to be able to take time for individual care and counselling on your personal needs.
CI specialists are trained to care for people with speech processors including individual product components of cochlear implants. Lyric specialists are trained to insert this special hearing aid deep into the ear canal. Paediatric acousticians take care of hearing aid fitting for children from the first month of life. -
We are networked: You benefit from our association with the Hearing Therapy Centre (HTZ) in the Oberlinhaus, a certified Cochlea Implant Centre.
We are closely affiliated within the Oberlinhaus company network and beyond. You will benefit from coordinated, intertwined services and short walking distances between our locations:
- In Potsdam, the Hearing Therapy Center (HTZ) is located in the immediate vicinity of Oberlin Hörpunkt. The HTZ is a certified Cochlea Implant Center, offering outpatient rehabilitation after cochlea implantation.
- In Wolfsburg, we are affiliated with the Klinikum Wolfsburg and its ENT department. After a hearing implant surgery at the clinic, the subsequent outpatient rehabilitation and technical care with external parts for cochlear and middle ear implants take place on site at Oberlin Hörpunkt. -
State-of-the art technology
Our branches have very modern technical equipment and our staff are continuously trained on servicing high-tech hearing aids. We encourage our staff to engage in specialised training by offering regular cochlear implant training courses, for example. We also support additional training, e.g. to become a paediatric acoustician to provide hearing aids for children from the first month of life.
We are committed to providing you with detailed and comprehensive advice in order to find the right hearing solution for you. Our staff are sensitive to your personal needs. Whether we are interacting with customers, partners or colleagues, we adhere to our corporate guiding principles. Oberlinhaus mission statement.