
Oberlin Hörpunkt is part of the Oberlinhaus network, a diaconal company in Potsdam. Within the company we provide among others services in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine. In addition, we offer outpatient rehabilitation after cochlear implantation at the Hearing Therapy Centre (HTZ). Our management expanded this area of expertise in 2011 through the Oberlin Hörpunkt and has since steadily extended the specialist hearing care business so that we now have 4 branches in Potsdam, Berlin and Wolfsburg.

General Manager

Thomas Neubauer is the General Manager of the Oberlin Hörpunkt. He is responsible for the business operations and takes care of the daily challenges of personnel, real estate and commercial issues. Thus, economic planning, monthly and annual financial statements are part of his responsibilities. He and his team stand for effective shaping and further development.


Marcel Peters ist Geschäftsführer der Hörpunkt im Oberlinhaus GmbH.

Contact us

Mendy Ahrens

Hörakustik-Meisterin / Pädakustikerin (Master hearing aid specialist / paediatric acoustician)